Research App Screenshot

Integrated Content Delivery and Survey Platform Designed for Mindfulness Interventions

Elevate Your Mindfulness Research with Our All-in-One Solution
Discover the ultimate platform designed to streamline and enhance mindfulness-based intervention studies. Our comprehensive front-to-back end product seamlessly integrates content delivery, user activity tracking, and advanced form building with automated composite scoring.

Manage programs, participants, and data all in one place

Teacher looking at data on a laptop
Key features include:
  • Easy to access lists for registered participants
  • The ability to create program templates with all of the teaching materials for each week
  • There is a way to hide each week's content until the date the teacher would like participants to access it
  • The ability to customize programs with handouts, materials and recordings for each class
  • Electronic pre/post forms, and other validated survey instruments
  • Participants can access class materials from a computer, tablet, or phone
  • A way for administrators to send messages to students quickly and easily
  • Online registration for students \u2014 or links for registration if payment is done a different way

Build the tools you need

Our form builder app allows you to create complex forms supporting both qualitative and quantitive inputs including both rich text and Likert scales. Using our Score Builder user responses can be automatically scored and transformed into composite data points.

Compare and analyze

Visualization tools help you make sense of your data. Track particpants longitudinally across multiple programs or compare research instruments across different studies.

Activity tracking

Having trouble with self-reported data? See what users are actually doing: track meditation practices, form entry, session attendance, file downloades, and audio/video plays.

Engagement through technology

Set reminders and notifications to keep participants on track or create discussion boards to foster community and engagement.
Minfulness Standard Logo as a page divider

Step up your research with The Mindfulness Standard

Elevate your mindfulness interventions with our exclusive demo of research platform. Experience firsthand how your programs can benefit from integrated content delivery and survey tools. Request a demo today!